The Christmas rush

For a lot of illustrators Christmas begins around August, when you suddenly realise that despite it being 32 degrees outside, if you don’t start planning now it will be December 20th and you will still be designing cards. I have the double panic of also being a florist, so having to organise all the Christmas decorations and workshops at the same time. I am actually very proud to say that after a (very) rocky start I have managed to get all my designs sent off to the printers, everything is under control with the floral decorations and I am almost there with the workshop prep. The most time consuming part is the Christmas commissions I receive which inevitably fall in December, they are also my favourite bit. Over the years I have painted some pretty out there requests from a hamster in the snow called Mr. Chips to a floating cat on a magic carpet. The more random the better I say.

This year I will be selling 10 different designs of cards in mixed packs of 5, soon to be available in my shop. As always they are based around animals, nature and have a strong theme running throughout of the night sky. This year I joined the ‘naked cards movement’ and I scrapped the cello covers!

I have received some lovely commission requests, all of which have come in earlier than usual (with a little push on social media to encourage people to place their orders before December!) I have also been doing some embroidery commissions of naked ladies which has been really fun!

I love Christmas and will admit I am that girl listening to Christmas music on November 1st. So let the festivities begin and I hope you have a merry old time!